Surrounded by goodness.
This is kinship.
Homework Help & A Meal
Houston reVision offers profoundly disconnected youth the opportunity to re-vision hopeful pathways at the Drop-In Center, providing high-quality youth-centered services with a focus on education planning, including high school credit recovery, homework help, and pursuing higher education by connecting one youth at a time to caring adults, positive peers, and a program that works.
Positive Peer Group Interaction
reVision youth include those experiencing discipline issues in school, justice-involved youth, foster youth, unstably-housed young people, and refugees or immigrants. Services are provided at no cost to the families. Drop-In Center Programming includes tutoring, mentoring, intensive case management services, connections to positive peers, and opportunities to participate in pro-social activities such as basketball, soccer, art and crafts, music, and dance.
reVision provides support to youth lacking family networks and positive adults. With neighborhood roots and youth connections reaching back for more than 20 years, reVision has earned the credibility of youth, the trust of the community, and a reliable reputation among youth-serving institutions.