reVision Youth
Houston reVision's mission is to help youth in Harris County who are caught in the cycle of the juvenile justice system and homelessness. They do this by connecting them with mentors, positive peers, helpful resources, and opportunities for artistic expression. Houston reVision works to end the severe isolation among these youth. By connecting them with caring adults, positive peers, and effective programs, Houston reVision offers a chance to envision a hopeful future.
The organization is located in the Gulfton/Sharpstown neighborhood in Southwest Houston, a 3.2-square-mile area with the highest population density in the state. Gulfton/Sharpstown has a high rate of gang activity and poverty.
The Work of Houston reVision
Houston reVision fosters an inclusive environment where young people from all backgrounds feel welcome and supported. Houston reVision is dedicated to ensuring equity and cultural sensitivity are at the heart of everything they do. From the language used to the programs offered, they strive to create a space where every young person has equal access to the resources and opportunities they need to thrive. All staff members are trained in culturally competent and trauma-informed practices, ensuring that youth receive support tailored to their unique needs and experiences.
Houston reVision partners with churches, schools, government agencies, and other nonprofit organizations. With these partnerships, dedicated mentors and volunteers, and a thriving out-of-school/after-school program, Houston reVision is building a community of kinship that connects young people in neighborhoods across Houston. Houston reVision is using the power of human relationships to better the futures of individuals and the greater Houston community. At Houston reVision, youth feel safe, supported, accepted, and loved. Young people build relationships with caring adults and forge lasting friendships with people their age, breaking the cycle of loneliness and isolation.
A new program has just been added at Houston reVision. Comprehensive in nature, it provides individualized solutions for youth ages 16 to 24 who are experiencing housing instability. Designed to help youth at risk of becoming homeless, the program offers various services, including case management, employment support, education support, health care, and life skills training.
With Houston reVision, there is no graduating or aging out of the program. They continue to be a part of reVision's community. Once a youth or young person connects with Houston reVision, they will have a voice in determining the length of service provided and what services they want or need. Houston reVision connects with over 1,300 youth each year. Most of Houston reVision's full-time staff members are former Houston reVision youth whose lives were profoundly changed by being a part of its Kinship Community. There is no better commendation for the effectiveness of its programs than that. Another commendation for Houston reVision is that, as the primary partner of Harris County Juvenile Probation, the organization has contributed to the steep decline of youth incarcerated in Harris County since its inception in 2011.
The programming offered by Houston reVision is tailored to meet the changing needs of the young people it serves. Houston reVision provides one-on-one, group, and peer mentoring and wraparound case management through professional case managers and two licensed clinicians. Services include meeting essential needs, showers, laundry facilities, hygiene supplies, clothing, daily hot meals and access to shelf-stable food, tutoring and homework help, educational support, workforce training and employment support, mental health services, and counseling.
Houston reVision's Drop-in Center offers a variety of pro-social activities to engage youth in a positive environment. Young people can participate in sports like soccer and basketball, express themselves creatively through art and music programs, and learn new skills like breakdancing. reVision recently launched a girls' soccer team. A nutritious meal and healthy snacks are provided daily.
Like many important organizations that help disconnected youth, Houston reVision provides vital assistance to young people who desperately need help. Without Houston reVision, these youth are left to their own devices and, finding it hard to cope, may turn to substance use, self-harm, and street gang activity. There are many opportunities for anyone interested in volunteering with Houston reVision. Whether regularly, occasional help, for events, to mentor, or any other way, click the Volunteer button to learn more.
reVision Services