By partnering with churches, collaborating with schools, government agencies, and other nonprofit organizations, and training hundreds of caring adult volunteers, we build communities of kinship in key neighborhoods which leverage the power of compassionate relationships to alter our mutual trajectory toward a hopeful future.
Houston reVision has forged vital connections and partnerships with institutions, such as the criminal justice system, school districts, and governmental organizations. In addition, we have earned trust with at-risk youth via trauma-informed care and established a lifeline Drop-In Center for unstably housed youth that provides food, clothing, and other basic necessities. Funding enables Houston reVision to continue succeeding in helping at-risk and homeless youth transition out of foster care and detention centers, seal or expunge records, and connect to housing and jobs. Houston reVision has catalyzed systemic change across systems, helping youth vulnerable to addiction, crime, sex trafficking, incarceration, unemployment, and suicide receive high-quality mentoring, case management, community support, and educational programming.
Houston reVision is always open to collaboration!
Gratitude to Our Incredible Supporters
reVision’s achievements would not have been possible without our incredible supporters. A special thanks to founding partner St. Luke's United Methodist Church Gethsemane for hosting Houston reVision offices, drop-in center, and soccer field. Also, heartfelt gratitude to grant providers, large individual donors, and key community partners like BEAR (Be A Resource), The Houston Foodbank, the Houston Symphony, St. John the Divine for their support of the Mentorship program at Lamar High School and the Episcopal Diocese of Texas for supporting Camp Good News for children of incarcerated parents.
Your belief in our mission enables us to transform the lives of vulnerable youth, and we could not do this important work without you.
We extend gratitude to our generous public, private, individual donors and the following organizations for their incredible 2024 support:
Child Care Council of Greater Houston
Criminal Justice Division/Office of the Governor
Family Circle Greater Houston Community
Houston Arts Alliance
Impact 100 Fund
The Office of Representative Gen Wu
Women of Substance Fundraising Event
Youth Homeless Demonstration Project (HUD)
Public/Government Agencies
Harris County Children’s Services Division
Harris County Department of Education
Harris County Health Department
Harris County Juvenile Probation Department
Harris County Precinct Four
Harris County Precinct One
Harris County Resources for Adults and Children
Houston City Council District J
Houston Galveston Area Council of Governments
Houston Health Department
Houston Health Foundation
Houston Independent School District
Office of the Governor - Criminal Justice Division
Texas Child Protective Services
Texas Department of Criminal Justice
Texas Juvenile Justice Department
Civic Heart
Communities of Faith
Chapelwood United Methodist Church
Christ Church Sugar Land
Memorial Drive United Methodist Church
Moody Methodist Church, Galveston
St. John the Divine Episcopal Church
St. Luke’s United Methodist Church, Founding Partner
St. Paul’s United Methodist Church
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church
St. Martin’s Episcopal Church Founding Partner
The Episcopal Diocese of Texas
Texas Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church
Community Organizations
Alliance of Community Assistance Ministries (ACAM)
Be A Resource (BEAR)
Christian Community Service Center (CCSC)
Clothed by Faith
CONNECT Community
Covenant House of Texas
Dressed for Success
Harris Center for Mental Health and IDD
Have Shears Will Travel
Houston Symphony
Houston Youth Soccer Association
Legacy Community Health
Partnership for the Advancement and Immersion of Refugees (PAIR) of Houston
Second Servings
South Texas Youth Soccer Association
Texas Network of Youth Services (TNOYS)
The Alliance for Multicultural Community Services
The Houston Food Bank
The Houston Furniture Bank
The Montrose Center
The Way Home Continuum of Care
Theater Under the Stars (TUTS)
Workforce Solutions
YMCA of Greater Houston
Houston-based Artists
Alex “DONKEEBOY” Roman Jr
Erik “COLER” Del Rio
HTX Garagw
Jose “MEENR” Arredondo
Mario “GONZO247” Figueroa Jr
Munta “ERIK” Mpwo
Olympian BBoy Jeffrp aka Jeffrey Louis
Phillip “ARTICLE” Perez
Photographer Sean Archibong
Corporate Partners
CKW Luxe Magazine
David Batagower with Compass Realty
Gittings Photography
Greg Harrison Law Firm, PLLC
Hess Corporation
Houston Esperanza, Inc
Houston Modern Luxury
Legacy Community Health
Memorial Hermann
Norton Rose Fulbright US LLP
Renew Body Contouring and Med Spa
SAKS 5th Avenue
Swoon Media
Vintage Contessa and Times Past
reVision Transformation

reVision Facts