Houston reVision Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program
Houston reVision is uniquely positioned to address this problem.
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Houston reVision Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program
Not knowing where you are going to sleep at night is terrifying. Seen through the eyes of a youth, it can leave life-changing trauma and manifest in behaviors that can be difficult to overcome.
Houston reVision specializes in stabilizing profoundly disconnected youth and providing the support, role models, and other protective factors that allow them to thrive. Thanks to a transformational grant from the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD), reVision has expanded services to youth experiencing housing instability.
When we look at the issue of housing instability for youth at Houston reVision, we see detached young people who cannot navigate life's everyday challenges, much like the youth we have aided for two decades.
We work with youth caught up in the school-to-prison pipeline - teens in trouble at school, in juvenile detention, on probation, and certified youth in adult prison. Many are in the foster care system, unstably housed, or are gang-affected. Our approach is to meet youth where they are in every sense. We meet them physically in the community, in detention centers, in their schools, and on the soccer field.
Providing support to youth experiencing unstable housing aligns with our mission because connecting young people to resources, support, and a safe space to figure out and resolve their barriers is at the heart of what reVision does.