reVision Facts
1. reVision is a community of kinship, connecting caring adult volunteers, case managers, mental health professionals, and faith communities with disconnected youth.
2. reVision is situated in the Gulfton neighborhood of Houston, which is the most densely populated area in Texas. It is also home to the highest number of refugees and immigrants compared to other places in the United States.
3. There is no “graduation” or “aging out” from reVision–once you’re part of reVision, you are always part of reVision as long as you want to be. Youth and young adults opt in and are never forced to be part of our community.
4. Our staff of 20 includes 13 former clients who benefitted from the program when they were younger.
5. reVision works throughout the school-to-prison pipeline, from middle schools to the juvenile detention centers to the adult prison system.
6. Our newest work includes providing housing for unstably housed youth between the ages of 16 and 24.
7. Referrals to our program come from partner agencies–Houston ISD, Harris County Juvenile Probation Department, Texas Juvenile Justice Department, Texas Department of Criminal Justice, and others in the community.
8. reVision has a Girl Scout troop that meets regularly.
9. Charles Rotramel, our CEO, has over 33 years of experience working with disconnected youth and our partners in Harris County.
10. As the primary partner of Harris County Juvenile Probation, we have contributed to the steep decline of youth incarcerated in Harris County since the inception of reVision in 2011.
11. Youth as young as ten can be part of our community and often choose to be, especially those coming from refugee backgrounds living nearby.
12. To provide a positive activity for our youth, reVision has four soccer teams–one in the UPSL for the over-18s and three for the school-aged young men. Two of those teams won State Championships in US Youth Soccer in 2023. reVision is developing a girls’ soccer team now.
13. reVision works with over 1300 youths annually, utilizing up to 450 volunteers.
14. During COVID, when we could not gather, our staff made well-checks with hot meals for the whole household six days a week until school resumed.
15. All of our youths are food insecure, and many are academically behind by two or more school years. All have experienced trauma in their lives.
16. On the First Friday of every month, we provide a youth group experience to young men aged 15-17 in the adult prison system.